What to Do During a Dental Emergency

What to Do During a Dental Emergency

Going to see an emergency dentist when there's an urgent issue can help you preserve your teeth and save you money on expensiveDental Emergency procedures. You’ll also get better care at the office of a qualified dentist compared to going to a hospital emergency room. At Isaacson Gentle Dentistry in White Bear Lake, MN, you can see a dentist urgently when needed. Find out exactly what to do during a dental emergency to ensure the best results.

What Qualifies as a Dental Emergency?
Some dental problems can be addressed at your regularly scheduled appointments, but others require an urgent visit. Here are a few issues that certainly qualify as emergencies:

- Intense tooth pain that makes it impossible to eat or talk
- A knocked out tooth after playing a sport and similar sports-related mouth injuries
- A chipped or broken tooth
- A displaced tooth (out of alignment or pushed outside of the jaw)
- Soft tissue injuries to the gums or tongue

What to Do
The first thing to do when there's an urgent problem is to call your White Bear Lake emergency dentist to set a time to come in. The next step is to take basic precautions to preserve your teeth and gums:

- Locate any tooth matter and keep it in a glass of milk—the dentist may be able to use it. If it’s a cracked crown or bridge, keep that as well
- Clean a knocked-out tooth and gently attempt to place it back into its socket until your appointment
- Apply gentle pressure to any area of bleeding in the mouth with a gauze pad and keep it clean
- Avoid eating on the side of the mouth that is painful due to tooth decay or injury. Take an Advil, Tylenol or similar medication to control the pain and swelling

Protecting Your Dental Health
After your White Bear Lake emergency dentist resolves your dental issue, take steps to protect your teeth from future problems. Consider these tips:

- Wear a custom athletic mouthguard to protect your teeth when playing sports
- Avoid repeated actions that can damage the teeth, such as opening bottles with your mouth, eating hard candies and grinding
- Get regular checkups to ensure that you're cavity-free (tooth decay starts with small cavity and poor dental hygiene)

Call for an Urgent Appointment
As soon as you have an urgent dental problem it’s important to contact your emergency dentist for treatment. Call (651) 762-7677 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Daniel Isaacson or Dr. Mike Weisbrod at Isaacson Gentle Dentistry in White Bear Lake, MN.