What To Do If You Have a Dental Emergency?

What To Do If You Have a Dental Emergency?

Keeping your teeth and mouth healthy will often involve more than just making your regular dentist appointments. Dental emergencies can happen to anyone. Dealing with these types of emergencies quickly and appropriately will have a huge impact on your dental health for years to come. You can find an emergency dentist in White Bear Lake, MN at Isaacson Gentle Dentistry. Dr. Daniel Isaacason, Dr. Mike Weisbrod, and Dr. Tara Peterson are here to help you deal with dental emergencies quickly and effectively. Keep reading to learn more.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any type of dental problem you may experience unexpectedly which causes you pain or puts your mouth at risk. Dental emergencies can be unique problems, but there are some common emergencies that should always be dealt with quickly. Let's look at a few of these common issues.

Broken or Cracked Teeth

A broken or cracked tooth can be a result of an injury or an accident. When a tooth is broken or cracked it can be very painful. In addition to it being painful, a broken or cracked tooth is also vulnerable to infection. If food or bacteria gets down beneath the gum line through the cracked enamel it can cause a serious dental problem. Your mouth is also at risk for cuts and scrapes if there are any sharp or jagged edges on the affected tooth. You should visit an emergency dentist in White Bear Lake, MN as soon as possible.


A toothache is another common type of dental emergency. Many people do not think of a toothache as an emergency, but the truth is a tooth will rarely ache unless there is a serious dental problem developing. A toothache is usually a sign of infection caused by tooth decay. If a tooth infection is left untreated it can turn into an abscess. This is a very serious form of infection that can spread to other parts of your body quickly.

If you would like to learn more about our services, or if you are in need of an emergency dentist in White Bear Lake, MN, please contact Dr. Isaacson, Dr. Weisbrod, or Dr. Peterson at Isaacson Gentle Dentistry by calling (651) 762-7677.